Health Anxiety Online Therapy

Health anxiety, also initially referred to as hypochondria, is currently diagnosed in 4% to 5% of people. However, experts believe this percentage could be as high as 10% because most people go undiagnosed. Health anxiety can often be misdiagnosed as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). If you find yourself consumed by fears of illness or constantly seeking reassurance about your health, know that you’re not alone. 


If you think you struggle with health anxiety, getting therapy can do wonders. Get in touch with us and break free from its grip.

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Understanding Health Anxiety

Health anxiety or hypochondria is characterized by excessive worry about possibly developing a serious medical condition. This condition can be debilitating and may be characterized by constantly tensing up about bodily sensations, doctor visits, and anxiety about one’s health. This can happen even after a person gets checked by a professional time and again.


Symptoms of Health Anxiety

  • Constantly worrying about health
  • Checking health info on the internet again and again
  • Checking for lumps or pains all the time
  • Not participating in worry of feeling sick
  • Frequently seeking assurance for your health from others
  • Not have any symptoms but still worry about it
  • Not trusting the clear medical checkups


Do any of the symptoms ring a bell? If so, get in touch with us and schedule an online therapy appointment. You can select any time feasible for you.

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Implications of Untreated Health Anxiety

Untreated health anxiety is never a good idea. If the following symptoms are affecting your quality of life, it is better to get diagnosed by a reputable therapist. When left untreated, this condition can give rise to other unwanted issues, including but not limited to:

  • Increased stress levels that eventually exacerbate physical health
  • Undergoing unnecessary medical procedures
  • Worsened anxiety and obsessive thinking
  • Difficulty coping with daily life functions
  • Affected productivity
  • Increased financial burden
  • Decrease in the overall quality of life

Some interventions can make it easier for you to tackle everyday issues without constantly having to worry about your health condition.


How Does Online Therapy Work?

Online therapy works in the same way as onsite therapy. The following steps are usually included:


Step 1: Book an online appointment

Step 2: You will be sent paperwork (emergency contact, personal details, and insurance)

Step 3: You will be sent a link to the video conference

Step 4: Join the link and wait in the virtual room

Step 5: Within 5 minutes, you will be added to the room

Step 6: Therapy can be started


The steps are really easy. You just need to book an appointment with our hassle-free treatment center.


Why Therapy Fleet


Our therapists are trained and experienced in treating health anxiety and other similar mental health conditions. They utilize evidence-based techniques like CBT, DBT, and others to help you overcome your health anxiety.


Compassionate Support

The distress and uncertainty that comes with online therapy can affect the overall quality of life. 

We understand that which is why we are here to offer empathetic support and guidance throughout your journey to recovery.


Accessible Care

Our online therapy program makes it easy for you to access the help you require. No worry about gas prices or commuting. All you need is a stable internet connection. This way you can get a barrier-free treatment.  



Don’t let health anxiety dictate your life any longer. You can retake control of your life with simple therapeutic interventions. All you need to do is get in contact with us. If you have any qualms about getting the treatment online. Therapy services can make it easier to get treated in the best way possible. 



What is the best treatment for health anxiety?

The best and most widely used treatment for health anxiety is psychotherapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, etc.


How do I stop worrying about my health?

If you are constantly worrying about your health, you should talk to a therapist. 


Is health anxiety curable?

Health anxiety is treatable once it is diagnosed. When you know you are being treated, this can help reduce the symptoms as well.


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