How to Find an ADHD Psychiatrist Near Me?

adhd psychiatrist near me

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Picture of Arooj Anjum

Arooj Anjum

Biomedical Engineer


Have you been recently diagnosed with ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or any other mental health issues or mental illness? Are you looking for psychiatric evaluation online? Are you fighting ADHD symptoms each day? 


If you want to avoid long traffic and long doctor queues, visit an ADHD psychiatrist near me now with Therapy Fleet. Our primary care ADHD doctor will plan an effective treatment plan by considering your medical history. Get prescribed Adderall the same day. Please don’t suffer in silence and avail our mental health services now. Get started now and avail Adderall coupons.


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Who Is an ADHD Psychiatrist Near Me?


ADHD is a mental health condition, and the best doctors to treat ADHD are psychiatrists, as they can prescribe medications, too. An ADHD psychiatrist is a medical professional who specializes in ADHD treatments. 

Can a Psychiatrist Diagnose ADHD? 


Yes, a psychiatrist can diagnose ADHD and can prescribe medications as well which counselor therapists may not be able to do. (The medications could be either a stimulant like Adderall or a non-stimulant like Qelbree. Either way, your doctor will tell you more about the best alternatives to Adderall, in case Adderall stops working. Psychiatrists are qualified individuals, and they can rule out other mental health conditions.

ADHD and Physical Health


People who have ADHD are given medication that affects them physically. For example, when Adderall comes with headaches and depression, only a psychiatrist can prescribe the drug to treat the side effects, or they can teach you how to manage them. Most of the time, people with ADHD suffer from eczema psoriasis because of the stress, sometimes allergies, and if you won’t be able to prescribe, mood swings, etc.

ADHD With Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions


Most of the time, people living with ADHD suffer from other mental health disorders like substance use disorder, panic attacks, anxiety disorder, and social anxiety. Visiting an ADHD psychiatrist near me will help as they can diagnose other mental health conditions and offer you prescription medications for both conditions.  They can recommend psychologists and therapists for counseling and talk therapy if needed because medications are combined with treatment. Most people with ADHD suffer from sleep disorders in their daily life. A psychiatrist can recommend sleeping aids like Xanax.

Can an ADHD Psychiatrist Near Me Offer Therapy?


Your treatment plan depends on the seriousness of the condition. However, therapy is mandatory, and it may be combined with prescription medications like Adderall Vyvanse, non-stimulants like Qelbree, or over-the-counter Adderall etc.


Coming to the question, can an ADHD psychiatrist near me offer therapy? The answer is yes. ADHD psychiatrists are experts, so they can prescribe medication and offer therapy as well.


Therapy and medication are essential as they teach the person time management skills, problem-solving abilities, and organizational skills. All this helps the person take control of their life back. Learning to live with ADHD is essential. There is no cure for ADHD, but with the proper skill set and counseling, ADHD psychiatrists near me can give you control of your life back.

Causes of ADHD


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder occurs in both children and adults. People with ADHD have trouble concentrating and focusing; they are hyperactive and are unable to control their impulsive behavior.


ADHD is of three types, but the treatment options for an ADHD psychiatrist near me will be more or less similar.

Combined Type ADHD


Combined type ADHD is a combination of both impulsive and hyperactive behaviors with inattention and distractibility.

ADHD Impulsive- Hyperactive Type


This is the least common type of ADHD. A person with this type of ADHD shows impulsive and hyperactive behaviors.

ADHD Inattentive and Distractible


As the name suggests, ADHD inattention is categorized by symptoms of distractibility and inattention without hyperactive behaviors. ADHD affects 10% of the children and 4.4 % of the adults. Research shows this percentage includes more males than females.

Efficacy of ADHD Treatment 


There are many treatment options for managing the symptoms of ADHD. Most ADHD treatments effectively reduce the symptoms and enhance cognitive functions. While the first line of treatments is stimulant drugs like Focalin, Vyvanse, and Adderall, these drugs come with serious side effects and are controlled drugs having a high potential for abuse and dependence. Research shows that stimulant medications help about 70 to 80% of the people using them.


If stimulants are not well-tolerated, non-stimulants, such as Qelbree, are given. Otherwise, CBT and other types of therapy are recommended, which we will examine in the next section. Usually, medications are part of comprehensive treatments like drugs and therapy.

ADHD Therapy


There are various types of ADHD therapy, which include;

  1. ABA Therapy
  2. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT
  4. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  5. Interpersonal Therapy
  6. ADHD Coaching
  7. Supportive Psychotherapy
  8. Narrative Therapy
  9. Group Therapy
  10. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy 

Therapy aims to deal with the emotional turmoils inside the individual. Research shows that ADHD people are perfectionists, and when they fail to reach their goals, they become irritated and frustrated, leading to feelings of depression and despair. Did you know 20% of people with ADHD are diagnosed with major depressive disorder for the same reason?


ADHD can develop during early life or late, regardless of when it grows; people learn to cope with their shortcomings on their own, but adding psychotherapy only makes the coping mechanism smoother. This leads to the question, how do I find an ADHD psychiatrist near me?

List of Different ADHD Specialists?


Before you start your journey and find the best ADHD psychiatrist near you, you should know the different types of healthcare practitioners who can treat or manage the symptoms of ADHD.



People with ADHD can benefit a lot from psychiatrists as they can be a part of treatment plan professionals. An ADHD psychiatrist near me can help you manage your symptoms and develop coping skills. They will teach you to identify and process your emotions through therapy.



Psychologists are people with doctoral degrees but are not medical doctors. They can only offer different types of therapy treatments without prescribing medication. A psychologist may be a helpful person to visit if you are looking for counseling sessions.

ADHD Coach


An ADHD Coach is an individual who is trained to help people with ADHD by teaching them to manage their daily lives so they can work towards their ultimate goal. He Is a person who can offer guidance and support throughout your treatment plan by helping you stay on track and focused toward the desired objective. However, a coach is not a doctor or therapist and cannot offer counseling, medication, or mental health counseling.


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Counselors, Clinicians, and Therapists


Counselors, clinicians, and therapists are all mental health professionals with master-level education who can offer various therapy treatments to people so that they can manage the ADHD symptoms and keep stress away.

Pediatric Neurologist 


A pediatric neurologist specializes in brain disorders and can quickly diagnose ADHD. But they can only do that for further treatments such as prescribing drugs and offering therapy or counseling; for that, the best option would be ADHD psychiatrists near me.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner


These mental health nurse practitioners are experts who evaluate, diagnose, and treat ADHD. Nurse practitioners can also prescribe medications when offering psychiatric care to their patients.


Apart from the above, the following can also help you in managing ADHD symptoms.

  • Family physicians
  • Case managers
  • Social workers

What Is the Difference Between an ADHD Psychiatrist and a Therapist?


ADHD psychiatrists can prescribe medications while a therapist cannot. Suppose you are looking for ADHD psychiatrists near me. In that case, you should discuss the diagnosis with them more, as they can discuss it from a biological and neurological perspective. They also understand how the brain interacts and how this change affects or influences human emotions and behaviors. 


A therapist can only teach the clients coping strategies and alter their thinking process. Therapy teaches ADHD individuals how to manage challenging situations without losing control or getting hyperactive.

How to Find an ADHD Psychiatrist  Near Me?


If you are looking for an ADHD psychiatrist near me, don’t be overwhelmed; break down the task and see how easily you can find the best ADHD psychiatrist near me.

  1. First, ask your loved one or family member if they know someone. It is always better to ask around first and look for first-hand reviews.
  2. If you are looking for an ADHD psychiatrist near me for your child, ask the school administration. 
  3. Search online. Type on Google the best ADHD psychiatrist near me
  4. Next, check whether your insurance covers that psychiatrist. 
  5. If you don’t have insurance, look for low-cost ADHD psychiatrists near me.
  6. Check for credibility and testimonials. The internet is breached, and people claim to be the best. To be safe, look out for clients’ testimonials and reviews.
  7. Finally, if all goes well, check for availability. See which time suits you best.

If you have a specific preference in terms of age, race, and gender, make sure your ADHD psychiatrist near me is narrowed down. Did you know adults and children with ADHD have a directory with a list of all ADHD psychiatrists in one place? You can even join a peer support group to become an ADDA member.


Next, are you looking for a doctor of Medicine or an Osteopathic doctor? While both have equivalent credibility and can prescribe drugs, only a DO can help you with a more holistic approach.

Online ADHD Psychiatrist Near Me: Contact Therapy Fleet


Although you can try an in-person ADHD psychiatrist near me, it’s always better to see an online doctor if you want to skip the traffic and break down country barriers. Online therapy may not offer privacy, but staying in your comfort zone is best. Before you start your search for the best ADHD psychiatrist near me, make sure you know what you want.

The Bottom Line


Many ADHD psychiatrists near me can manage your ADHD symptoms along with other psychiatric evaluations to rule out other conditions like mood disorders. ADHD co occurs with other mental health illnesses like anxiety disorders, and visiting a psychiatrist can help as they can offer proper mental health care, along with support on medication management, taking into consideration the unique challenges and unique circumstances of individual needs with ADHD. 


The first step, however, is visiting healthcare providers if you or some family members are showing symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is a medical condition and requires lifestyle changes, behavioral interventions, along with prescription drugs. Ensure you attend your follow-up appointments and follow the treatment. Doctors have years of experience and can help with any medical condition. Visit Therapy Fleet now for online evaluation.


Mental struggle is not a failure, but a battleground where we redefine our limits. It’s in these moments of tension that we discover our true strength.


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1. How do I find an ADHD psychiatrist near me?


Finding the right ADHD psychiatrist is crucial for your treatment plan. Visiting anyone other than the psychiatrist is baseless, as an ADHD psychiatrist is a medical doctor and can understand the core of ADHD. You can search around the neighborhood and ask for reviews.

2. Is there a cure for ADHD?


Unfortunately, no, ADHD is not curable. However, treatments are available that can manage the symptoms to the point that someone with ADHD can also lead an everyday life.

3. How do I know I have ADHD?


If you suffer from impulsive behavior, inattention, or distractibility, visit a mental healthcare provider. They use evidence-based assessment.


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Additional Resources


Vyvanse vs Adderall for ADHD

ADHD Paralysis

ADHD Mood Swings in Adults and Children

Does Caffeine Help ADHD Symptoms?

Adderall interacts with vitamin C

How to Get Prescribed Adderall

Blue Adderall Pill Withdrawal Effects

How Long Does Adderall Stay in Your System

Ultimate Guide to Normal Adderall Dosage for Adults & Children

Best and Effective Alternatives to Adderall

Signs Your Adderall for ADHD Dose is Too Low

Review of Top Over-the-counter Adderall Alternatives 

6 Common Reasons for Adderall Not Working

Compare Adderall Coupons and Prices

Can Adderall for ADHD Cause Depression?

How Long Do Adderall Headaches Last?

Common Adderall Effects on Personality

Working Out on Adderall

Adderall Generic




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